Tips To Help Keep Your Home Secure | C & S Lock & Security
According to the Police of Greensboro North Carolina the summer vacation months tend to bring an influx in criminal and burglar activities. Although the summer is almost over police are urging residents to make sure their homes are still as secure possible.
According to Lt. Don Knott “Burglars look for homes that are easy targets, they want to get in houses or apartments quickly and undetected. By making your home look occupied and taking some security measures, you can reduce your chances of being burglarized.”
Police are also urging homeowners to install and use strong door and window locks and to use an alarm system if possible. Additionally police suggest that if you are on vacation to stop newspaper and mail delivery and to use a timer on lights if possible.
Additionally authorities suggest the following tips to help prevent home invasion:
-Make sure all doors to your home are locked even when you are home.
-Do not hide a key under the mat.
- Make sure curtains and blinds are closed at night to prevent burglars from casing your home.
For more security tips make sure to contact a local lock and security expert in your area. If located in Tucson contact the lock and security experts at C & S Lock & Security!