Tips For Choosing A Locksmith | C & S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security where are all about informing and protecting our customers with the latest news and issues! This week we have...
Locksmith Saves Child In Safe | C & S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security we are all about protecting our customers, and their property that is why we have brought you a story this...
Man Rescued By Fire Department After Locking Keys In House and Climbing Down Chimney | C & S Loc
A Tucson man was rescued by Tucson firefighters after attempting to regain entry into his house through the chimney. Apparently the 26...
3 Locksmith Tips and Tricks| C & S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security we are all about protecting our customers, and their property that is why we have created this article with 3...

6 Tips for First Time Drivers | C&S Lock & Security
It is an amazing time in every person’s life the time that you are finally able to drive on your own. You finally have the freedom to...
Would Be Car Thief Falls Asleep In BMW | C & S Lock & Security
According to Seattle police reports a would be car thief was found asleep and locked inside a stolen BMW. The BMW automobile...
Choose The Right Locksmith | C & S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security where are all about informing and protecting our customers with the latest news and issues! This week we have...
Locksmith Scam Checklist| C & S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security where are all about informing and protecting our customers with the latest news and issues! That is why we...

BMW Malfunctions Locks Woman In Car For Two Hours
Modern cars might have high tech safety features but there is one woman who is wondering if new anti theft features might work too well....

ABC News Finds Locksmith Scam | C&S Lock & Security
Here at C&S Lock & Security where are all about informing and protecting our customers with the latest news and issues! This week we have...